JLS Soul Sister
June 18, 2015GCh JLS Milliflora Petunia BCAT (L)
February 9, 2017"Mosey" is a very sensible dog. He is sweet and has sound and true movement with a solid topline. He is a joy to have in my pack. He has a Heartland Dalmatian Club of Greater Kansas City Specialty Major (under breeder judge Diana Skibinski) and 3 Specialty Major reserves. I had to take a break from showing, but did get out to 5 UKC shows where he easily earned his Championship and is ranked #6 Dalmatian in UKC for 2019.
I did get him out twice in 2022. He took 4 days of WD and a WD/BOW/BOS at the Sunflower cluster in Hutchinson in June handled by Hannah Rodgers. He also took RWB to a 4 point major at the Heartland Dalmatian Club under breeder judge Patrick Jones in October 2022. I really need to get him out and finish his AKC Championship, he is so deserving, he just has not been shown much at all!
Mosey finally got out to a cluster show in 2023! Once again the Sunflower cluster in Hutchinson, KS, June 2023. He took WD/BOW/OHBOB two days and WD/BOW two days. These last two days he was not eligible for OHBOB, since someone took him back in the ring for BOW for me. He now just needs that last 3 point major to finish his Championship.
As a stud dog, he is a proven sire of two litters of all BAER Bilateral puppies to date and one litter with one uni. No blue eyes, No deaf. He has produced some lovely sound, pretty marked and intelligent puppies linebred on Newt with our Fabiola. Mosey produces his sound lovely movement, bone, opens up spotting and a matter-of-fact personality with intelligence.
Mosey's Pedigree
Major Blood Contributors
Ch JLS Just A Fig Newton ROM at 6.49719%
Ch Givens Dalivered Star at 4.80804%
Ch JLS Shades of The Past at 3.62549%
Am/Can Ch Igdaliah's M&M Candy Cain CD ROMX at 1.78337%
Ch Givens Special Delivery at 1.1776%
Ch Lakeshore JLS Millenia Belle ROM at .78201
Ch Tuckaway Augusta ROMX at .27776%
R Givens Buttons CGC at .19531
Ch Count Miguel of Tuckaway ROMX at .10986%