About us
Julia Soukup is the breeder, owner, handler of her JLS Dalmatians. A dog lover her entire life made showing dogs the perfect hobby, and breeding her own line of dogs became her passion.
"They are not just dogs but also my family. I am proud of them and we share a bond that is so much beyond just time in a ring. They are my family and best friends."
"I love them with my whole heart."
Julia Soukup
Julia is currently a member of an AKC All-Breed club as well as two Regional Breed clubs and the Dalmatian Club of America, the National parent club for Dalmatians in the United States.
I have loved dogs my entire life and have been very active in the dog show world for the past 29 years. I bred, owned, handled my own dog to be the Number 1 Dalmatian in the US for 2002, an accomplishment that is a once in a lifetime experience. Thank you to all for seeing how special my beloved Newt really was. I was so blessed. I learned alot. I had a lot of fun. My best boy, best friend, companion -- we did it all together. Priceless....
For The Record...
JLS Dalmatians currently has:
44 AKC Champions of record
2 Canadian Champions
2 International Champions 2 UKC Champions
32 of those AKC Champions were bred or co-bred by JLS
11 were finished all from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class.
JLS has also bred:
8 Obedience titled dogs (multiple titles)
1 RD (Road Dog) titled
1 RDX (Road Dog Excellent) titled
5+ Therapy Dogs
3 READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs)
2 Service "Assistance" Dogs (Jinx & Caden-now retired)
1 retired Guide Dog (Diva).
Aspiring AKC Judge
Julia is an aspiring judge and has met all the requirements back in 2012, except for turning in her application and getting approved by the AKC. She has judged multiple sweepstakes assignments, has bred over 43 Champions, has helped with her clubs and the community. The most noteworthy judging assignment being Sweepstakes at the 2013 Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty with an entry of 141. What an honor to be voted to judge by the entire membership. It was a THRILL! I loved them all!
Another noteworthy assignment was the Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta Specialty in 2012 (pictured). Thank you for inviting me to judge!
Here are photos of my Best Jr and a few of my other class winners from the 2013 National Specialty. Thank you all who entered to me. You can't make everyone happy but you can give each dog equal consideration on that day.
My Kennel Name - JLS Dalmatians
JLS is the name that I chose to distinguish the Dalmatians of my ownership and/or breeding. It's my trademark so people know where the Dalmatian came from. Many times other breeders/show exhibitors recognize each other's dogs before even seeing the registered name but if in doubt this information is printed in the show catalog.
I do like my pet/companion dogs to also have JLS as the prefix to their registered name. I am proud of all of my dogs and owners.
My Dalmatians are house companions and are considered my children. I strive to breed sound,healthy Dalmatians with good stable outgoing temperaments that will make lovely companions. After that is achieved, I hope for some really great specimens of the breed which I hope will compete in conformation, obedience,performance as well serve in Therapy and community service roles.
Helping the Sport and Others...
I feel to do your breed justice you should be active in the dog show and Dalmatian community. Serving your clubs, helping others, volunteering and being active. I am sad that I am currently not as active as I used to be and have had to ad the word "No" to my vocabulary. After health issues, the death of my loved ones, and life kicking me in the rear very hard, I had to step-back a bit. I hope I can make a come back in energy and devote more time to the breed I love and to try to make the sport a better place for all but especially newcomers. We need to encourage them no matter where or who they got their dog(s) from. We all need eachother. Please do not forget that!
Julia has served the AKC dog community as well as her local dog community in many roles over the past 29 years:
Julia currently serves the dog community as:
Amy Showman April 10 at 3:04 PM Benny is awesome! Can't picture life without him. I'm counting on those "live long" JLS genes.. I want at least 9 more birthdays! 😁💕
Amy Showman
From: Amy Thome Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 12:59 PM To: Julia Soukup <julia@juliasoukup.com> Subject: RE: Happy Birthday Halo! Halo is much too smart for his own good. He picks up everything really fast, but I have learned that I can’t train him with treats. He is much too distracted by food to pay attention! He gets lots of praise and a treat at the end. I attached a couple pics, one from the lake last summer (he loves the boat) and one from Christmas at my in laws. He is never happier than when he is just hanging out with us! [gallery ids="1427,1426,1431,1432"]
Amy Thome
> From: Scott Forster > Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 11:05 AM > To: julia@jlsdals.com > Subject: Malcolm 😊 Malcolm is doing great! Thanks for thinking of him! He is my running companion and is Regan's ( my 15 year old daughter’s) best friend. He is a wonderful, wonderful dog and is the sweetest and smartest Dalmatian we have ever had. Hope all is well Julia! Malcolm’s “brother” is now 14 years old and is losing use of his back limbs and bodily functions. Not sure how much longer Monte will be around, but he still seems happy at this point. Please let us know if you have any litters soon that may have someone with the temperament of Malcolm that may not be made for the show ring. We would love to get another from you and give one a happy home. With love, The Forster’s (Scott, Becky, Aaron, August and Regan) [gallery ids="1428,1429,1423"]