Dalmatians Serving As Mascots

"Caesar" - Church Mascot

Dalmatian With A Calling...
JLS Caesar Augustus Schumacher (L)
(Shady Lady x Caddy)

"Caesar" was a Church & School mascot for the Church of St Joseph and ?, loved by Msg. Patrick Schumacher.
RIP Caesar April 22, 2007 - March 2020.

"Romeo" - Church Mascot

Another Dalmatian With A Calling...
"Romeo", JLS Romeo Aquinis Schumacker (L), (Lucky x Barkles) joined Msg. Schumacher and Caesar in their holy work in August of 2019. He has very big spots to fill now that Caesar is gone. We hope Romeo will do a "dal-lightful" job with his Church & School mascot work for the ? church.

Dalmatian Service Dogs

Making Life Better for Their Owners

From the Spotter article...
"Traditionally, few Dalmatians have been used in Service & Assistance Dog roles but Dalmatians can and do excel in these areas as the owners of these featured Dalmatians can attest."

Dalmatian Seizure Assistance Dog

JLS Dori Hartleys Crying Sky CGC TDI (L)
(Shady Lady x Decker)

"Jinx" was owned by Danielle Cunningham and was her seizure assistance service dog. He was not a Seizure alert dog, only a very small percentage of any breed of dog actually alerts prior to a seizure. Jinx went with Danielle to college and helped support her and keep her safe when she had a seizure.

Collegio Article - Campus Life

November 6, 2008
  • A Help Dog For Danielle - Campus Life Article

  • Dalmatian Service Dog

    JLS Leading The Cavalcade
    (Shady Lady x Caddy)

    "Caden" was owned by Lindsay Neil & Julia Soukup and was Lindsay's Service Dog. She did all the training herself and got him certified. Unfortunately, Caden was retired prematurely as a Service Dog due to an acquired health issue after a head injury from a car when he blocked her on the curb. He was doing his "job". The early retirement in no way diminishes his willingness and capabilities.