Forever would not have been long enough...

17 years, 8 months & 25 days

Quality Dalmatians

I strive for my dogs to exemplify the AKC Dalmatian Breed Standard, with excellent temperament and health as a top priority.

Biddable, sweet temperaments for show dogs, performance dogs, therapy dogs or home companions.

Experience. Dedication. Love for Dalmatians.

I am a responsible and reputable Dalmatian show exibitors and preservationist breeder of quality Show Dalmatians & Dalmatian puppies, located on a quaint farmstead just outside of Lindsborg, Kansas. I have owned Dalmatians for 32 years and have been participating in the wonderful sport of AKC dog shows for 29 years. I only have Dalmatians, and consider them my family and not just show dogs.
I am a preservationist breeder and an AKC Breeder of Merit.

Learn more about JLS Dalmatians Contact Julia

I hope you enjoy your visit and find helpful information about the beautiful and intelligent breed of Dalmatians. JLS Dalmatians is dedicated to promoting & protecting the health, temperament, soundness, and overall integrity of this wonderful breed, the Dalmatian.
I am a DCA Approved Judges Education Mentor and a Resource contact for the state of Kansas, please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more about Dalmatians.

Our Dalmatian dogs and puppies have competed in Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Rally, Road Dog, Fly Ball, Fast CAT, Scent Work and have served as Therapy Dogs, READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs), Public Education canine ambassadors, one was a Service Dog, one was a Seizure Assistance Dog and one was a Guide Dog!

Cricket with my friend Shirley.
Cricket serves her owners as a Diabetic low alert dog! This is a job she learned all by herself! Shirley says she has saved her life many times over the years. Cricket sleeps with Shirley. When Shirley is sleeping and has a low, if Cricket can not wake her up she opens a baby gate (not latched) and goes and wakes up her room mate Vickie. Good girl Cricket! Cricket is now 13 years, 4 months old and is from my "Meriden" litter (Merica x Caden).
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Newt's Legacy...

  • #1 Dalmatian in the US in 2002 (campaigned 7 months!) all breeder/owner handled with no advertising!

  • #4 Dalmatian in 2003 in selective showing only.

  • #7 Dalmatian in 2004 in very limited showing.

  • Five consecutive years in the Top 20!

  • 2002 Pedigree Award Winner

  • 2003 Westminster AOM

  • 2004 DCA National Specialty Best Stud Dog & AOM under breeder judges!

  • DCA Register of Merit sire!

What's New From JLS Dalmatians?

This is a live feed from my JLS Dalmatians Facebook page. Please like my page to follow-us. I post helpful Dalmatian information, canine information, food recalls, health information, puppy & fun photos as well as my dog show brags.

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2 months ago

Proud of my JLS Dalmatian Family. The Spotter Fall issue is up live and this issues features Tango and Twister (Zimmerman), and Martin, and pups Mystique, McCoy and Hope (Jewel Lee Marshall). Congrats guys on your new titles, and wins! We are all proud of you!
For online issue:
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Proud of my JLS Dalmatian Family. The Spotter Fall issue is up live and this issues features Tango and Twister (Zimmerman), and Martin, and pups Mystique, McCoy and Hope (Jewel Lee Marshall). Congrats guys on your new titles, and wins! We are all proud of you!
For online issue: attachmentImage attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook


Whoa, Julia! how wonderful...


4 months ago

Huge congrats to Susan Zimmerman and Tango, Ch JLS Let's Dance SWN, TKI, CA, CGC for OFA Excellent Hips and OFA Elbows Normal! He already had his Hearing (BAER Bilateral) completed and Eyes (Normal) completed. CHIC number coming very soon as all tests are completed. Good job Susan for being an excellent owner and getting these done! :) Tango is out of Peony and by Antonio.
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Huge congrats to Susan Zimmerman and Tango, Ch JLS Lets Dance SWN, TKI, CA, CGC for OFA Excellent Hips and OFA Elbows Normal! He already had his Hearing (BAER Bilateral) completed and Eyes (Normal) completed. CHIC number coming very soon as all tests are completed. Good job Susan for being an excellent owner and getting these done! :) Tango is out of Peony and by Antonio. attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Woo Hoo!

Heck yah Tango!!!

5 months ago

Newt would have been 23 years old on Sept 2, 2024. Gone 5 years now. I cried big time. He was my heart, my soul and my reason. Love you Newt, your "The Dog" always! Miss you forever.
MBISS Ch JLS Just a Fig Newton ROM - #1 Dalmatian 2002 by 15 months old. He was Specialed from 7 months of age to 15 months of age, breeder/owner handled by Julia Soukup in limited showing.
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Newt would have been 23 years old on Sept 2, 2024. Gone 5 years now. I cried big time. He was my heart, my soul and my reason. Love you Newt, your The Dog always! Miss you forever. 
MBISS Ch JLS Just a Fig Newton ROM - #1 Dalmatian 2002 by 15 months old. He was Specialed from 7 months of age to 15 months of age, breeder/owner handled by Julia Soukup in limited showing.Image attachment

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

Wish I’d been able to meet him but I sure love his grandpups and great grandpups. What a handsome boy and good friend to you. A life changer. ♥️

Such an amazing animal. A real champion in so many ways. Loved and missed by so many ❤️🐾

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6 months ago

August 2024 - New AKC CH JLS Queen of Hearts Smart Dressed Man, "Marty" aka "Martin"
(Ch JLS Antonio DoViggy My Pal x JLS Luscious Peony)
Marty went WD/BOW for a 5 point Major to finish his Championship under judge Christie Martinez at the Puget Sound Dalmatian Club Specialty #2 on 8/15/2024 handled by Tanya Sue Tresino. Congratulations to Jewel Lee Marshall ( on her new Champion. Marty is co-owned by Julie and myself, Julia Soukup.
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August 2024 - New AKC CH JLS Queen of Hearts Smart Dressed Man, Marty aka Martin
(Ch JLS Antonio DoViggy My Pal x JLS Luscious Peony)
Marty went WD/BOW for a 5 point Major to finish his Championship under judge Christie Martinez at the Puget Sound Dalmatian Club Specialty #2 on 8/15/2024 handled by Tanya Sue Tresino.  Congratulations to Jewel Lee Marshall ( on her new Champion. Marty is co-owned by Julie and myself, Julia Soukup.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

9 CommentsComment on Facebook

I love this!!

Congratulations beautiful dog so handsome

Congratulations! Handsome boy!

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6 months ago

August 2024 - CATCH-T JLS Just A Storm A Brewin' BN, RA, NF, NA, CA, SWN, SCA, TT, TKA, CGC, TDI, MAD
(MBISS CH JLS Just A Fig Newton ROM x CH JLS Sabrina Fair)
At the Western Reserve Dalmatian Club Specialty "Twister" takes Best Veteran Dog and Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at 14.5 years of age. He had fun and his tail never stopped wagging. He was moving pretty nice for an older guy. Good job Susan Zimmerman and Twister! Bred by Julia Soukup.
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August 2024 - CATCH-T JLS Just A Storm A Brewin BN, RA, NF, NA, CA, SWN, SCA, TT, TKA, CGC, TDI, MAD
(MBISS CH JLS Just A Fig Newton ROM x CH JLS Sabrina Fair)
At the Western Reserve Dalmatian Club Specialty Twister takes Best Veteran Dog and Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at 14.5 years of age. He had fun and his tail never stopped wagging. He was moving pretty nice for an older guy. Good job Susan Zimmerman and Twister! Bred by Julia Soukup.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

I knew I had pulled his name and titles from a very old web page I had created for Twister and asked Susan for al his titles... thus the corrected name. WOW he has alot more than I remembered! Good job Susan and Twister!


That’s awesome!

6 months ago

August 2024 - CH JLS Let's Dance SWN TKI CA CGC, "Tango"
(CH JLS Antonio DoViggy My Pal x JLS Luscious Peony)
Tango is a new AKC Champion! Congrats to owner/handler Susan Zimmerman! She is so proud she has her first Champion and did it all herself! She was coached by me from KS and made new friends and had support by fellow Dal exhibitors, her performance friends, and her other friends. Thank you all for helping Susan achieve her goal! Tango also has a Trick Dog title, Scent Work Title, Coursing Ability and Canine Good Citizen. Watch for more titles coming! Good job Susan Zimmerman and Tango! We can't wait to see what you two do next! Bred & Co-owned by Julia Soukup
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August 2024 - CH JLS Lets Dance SWN TKI CA CGC, Tango 
(CH JLS Antonio DoViggy My Pal x JLS Luscious Peony)
Tango is a new AKC Champion! Congrats to owner/handler Susan Zimmerman! She is so proud she has her first Champion and did it all herself! She was coached by me from KS and made new friends and had support by fellow Dal exhibitors, her performance friends, and her other friends. Thank you all for helping Susan achieve her goal! Tango also has a Trick Dog title, Scent Work Title, Coursing Ability and Canine Good Citizen. Watch for more titles coming! Good job Susan Zimmerman and Tango! We cant wait to see what you two do next! Bred & Co-owned by Julia SoukupImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

So happy for you Susan & Julia! Huge Congratulations!!

Thanks, his last pretty dog show this weekend, we'll see what happens

Congratulations! Love his eyes! Beautiful dog!!

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