Milk Already? Oh my!
June 23, 2022Birthday Pups?
July 2, 2022
Today I took Simone in for an xray to count puppies. My reproduction vet saw 5. I am hoping there is one more hidding somewhere. Simone has had 6 puppies in the past.
6/29/22 - Simone was nesting a little in the whelping box but didn't stay in there long. She was back on the couch with me.
Simone Temperature
Wednesday, 6/29/22 - 8:37 a.m. - 99.6
8:34 p.m. - 99.7
Thursday, 6/30/22 - 12:52 p.m. 100.7
Today I made sure I had everything ready and went through my checklist:
2 Whelping pools with x-pens, draped in sheets for privacy and to keep any drafts out
Hospital pads washed and ready for whelping / disposable puppy pads ready for quick whelping clean up in between pups
small towels for rubbing pups
laundry basket, heating pad and towels for warming box
2 heat lights, one for each pen
themometer to keep the whelping pens at the best temperature for newborn puppies
small digital scale to weigh each puppy at birth and daily
themometer to take dams temperature at least twice a day to catch the temperature drop that indicates whelping is coming soon
Alcohol for cleaning
scissors if needed for cutting cords
surgical gloves and lubricant if digital exam is necessary
ear bulb used to clear throat and nostrils of pups if needed
dental floss for tieing any bleeding umbelical cords that are stubborn
Guaze and vet wrap in case of emergency
Puppy Replacement Milk in case needed.
7/1/22 - Peony temperature - 10:48 a.m. - 100.0
Peony is a first time momma but she knows that is her whelping box! She is so very smart. She has been hanging out in there resting. Not nesting yet.
Peony was more settled last night and only went out a couple times to potty. It was storming last night with thunder, ligntening and a nice big drop rain.
7:33 p.m. - Both girls are quiet and hanging in their whelping pens. I know I told them I wanted a present for my birthday, which is tonight at midnight (July 2). Gee I hope they don't decide to "GO" at the same time. Simone has had pups before but you usually have to keep a closer eye on first time mothers. I have two friends on stand-by who are retired breeders who said I can call them if I need help (day or night). I am so lucky to have such good friends!
Simone had me letting her out several times during the night. She did not always potty. I think she just wanted to dig more holes. I got tired of filling in around my back steps and foundation where she was digging so I filled it back in and them put my puppy ramp over the top of it. The next time she went out she looked at it and then gave a look like "crap", she's blocked me from digging. LOL
Overall I did not get much sleep and I feel like crud. I better rest/nap today if I can. They are coming!