Day 5…

Day 4…Super Puppy Neuro Exercises begin!
October 15, 2023
Day 6…
October 18, 2023
Day 4…Super Puppy Neuro Exercises begin!
October 15, 2023
Day 6…
October 18, 2023

Day 5…

Pups in warming basket while I was cleaning their bed

I won’t be posting every day, all the time, I just need to make sure I keep up on the headshot photos so I keep track of those liver girls as to who is who. I might have to start marking them if the noses all blob together. Once the spotting starts coming into the fur I will be able to tell them apart for sure.

I did not get weights tonight. I had to get some client ads finished up today and am pretty tired although I did finally sleep a larger portion of the night last night. Whew! I needed that badly. I am not so worried about the weights… these guys are growing by leaps and bounds and very chubby. Definitely thriving. I will do it tomorrow for sure.

I did do the Super puppy exercises..

Day 5 in warming basket while I clean