Peony is Ravenous… is she feeding a spotted army?
September 25, 2023
Day 51 of Gestation (Pregnancy)
October 3, 2023Peony is starting to show in a big way. Pregnant bitches usually start showing or “ballooning” out between week 5 and 6 of their pregnancy. Peony started showing last week but has started ballooning on her 6th week. Gestation for a dog is normally around 63 days, but since she was surgically inseminated with frozen semen, they waited to get the timing just right so that the eggs would be fertile, her due date is on the 60th day and not 63. She is due October 11, 2023!
Momma Julia is ordering “stuff” I will need. I need new puppy pads for the whelping box and for the floor underneath and to place the x-pen on. I am ordering some Ora Cal, Oxy Momma and Puppy replacement milk to have on hand just in case. I need to order replacement temperature gauge, and lightbulbs for my trouble light.
I am setting up whelping central in my living room. I will have everything I need close by and can let Momma dog out to potty easily and quickly. I will need whelping box (baby pool), x-pen, blankets, sheets, trouble light, heating pad, temperature gauge, thermometer, Vaseline or gel, blunt edge scissors, alcohol, dental floss, quick stop, nail polish in both pink and blue, ear bulb (to clear nasal passage ways, small absorbent and soft cloths or towels to rub down newborn pups, cleaning rags, trash bucket, laundry basket with heating pad and soft towels to serve as a warming box, small room electric heater, water bucket for momma. I will need soft pillow and blanket for me to be on whelping watch-duty-and delivery and be on watch for the first two weeks of life.
I have puppy food in house, and I will need quick meals ready for myself. I have bottled water, and have coffee and tea readily available in abundance. 🙂
I also have the couch and TV, Alexa, and my laptop! I think I am set! Now to get everything setup and organized.